As a Wellness Coach, there have been many times where I have observed people ACTING as if they are experts of others, and they really aren’t experts at all.  Many times people think they knows what’s best for another person.  The Intuition Diet™ helps you use your INNER EXPERT, INNER VOICE, INNER TRUTH, or INTUITION, to support you with living a happier healthier life!

I have a question for you. Who is the TRUE expert of you? Think about it. Take a moment and what is the first name that just came to mind? If it was one of your parents, consider that old programming and get ready to delete that. Now let me ask you again, who is the TRUE expert of you? Is it me? Is it a doctor on TV?  Who is it? IT’S YOU! Now you may ask yourself, me? How could it be “me?” The truth is who else would it be? It is YOU!!! For many years I have said to my clients, “I am the expert on the research, you are the expert on your body, and we work together.” My clients have really appreciated this approach. Many times they look at me with surprise but when looking in their eyes I can see relief. Why do you think that is? Well, I believe it is because their soul feels relief from having someone in their life who encourages them to connect with their own mind, body, and soul. There are many people who may act like the expert of you and maybe even try to convince you that they are the expert of you. THIS CAN BE DANGEROUS!

Please know that you have come here to this planet with everything that you need. It is time to really embrace that and trust that. You have the wisdom within you to take care of yourself the way that is best for you. I encourage you to start to tune into that. Listen to your TRUTH CENTER!  Listening to your Truth Center is similar to when people say that they listen to their gut or instincts.  This is part of the Intuition Diet™.   Another part of listening to your intuition is to listen to your reaction to people, places, and things…basically any energy.  So if you are eating food that someone on TV says you should eat, but you feel horrible when you eat it, listen!!!  It is very likely that your intuition in that case would tell you to stop eating it.  But what if all your friends can eat it and feel wonderful but you still feel horrible?  Why is this?  Because everybody is different.  Everyone’s life is different.  So that is why you need to stay connected to that TRUTH CENTER to listen to what is best for you in all areas of your life.  Your next step in this process is for you to choose now to accept the TRUTH, that you, and only you, are the expert of you! I also encourage you to choose to listen to your TRUTH CENTER which is always there speaking to you. Are you ready to listen? Of course you are…You were born ready!!! Why listen you may ask? Because if you are the expert of you, and only you know your truth, then only you know what will really make you HAPPY!!! And you don’t want to be HAPPY?

I ask you to take a few minutes to journal what is coming up for you. And start using the mouse in your head to click and delete any old programming that may come up with that may try to convince you that someone else is the expert on you. OWN IT! YOU ARE THE EXPERT OF YOU!


Share your discoveries below!


With love and light,





This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information I provide is designed for educational purposes and to enhance your health and well-being. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a licensed health care provider or intended as medical advice. You should not use this information as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your professional healthcare providers before beginning any new treatment, and with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your condition.